The Inaris
– left one inari: layer of rice + cucumber mixed with St Morêt (some kind of french milked creamy cheese)+ There’s Japanese seasonning made of dry seaweed and salmon on the top.
– middle one is filled with rice, a layer of salmon, a layer of avocado and i added a physallis fruit. My parents thought it was a cherry tomato! XD That was the trap! ^^ I wanted to mix salted + sweet ingredients. Japenese seasonning on the top.
– Right: Rice + i cooked mushroom on butter until it caramelised in the pan like i did for the apples (but no sugar).

The Inaris
– Down: Caramelised apple with rice (also named revisited Tarte Tatin! :p ). Warm the butter in a pan until it get brown, add the sugar, make it caramelise and add the slice of apples until it melts enough to be soft. Don’t forget to do that for both faces of the slices.
– There’s one i made with raspberry jam+rice just above since i had one content left after i cooked them all
– Just above: Rice + Nutella (it’s a brand of chocolate spread) + Banana (thin slice) + kiwi(little cubes). This plate is the dessert.

Best food ingredients
I never imagine the Inari Shushi can change the dessert !
I tied that Inaris, then I became a one of Inaris fan !
Let’s try making delicious Inaris on your side.
If you love sweets too
I introduce Matcha Dorayaki.
Please have a look the video beow.
Thank you 🙂
Have a nice cooking time there !!!

The recipe of Inaris by Emy Lebugle
One more advice from her.
i think you can try with another fruit! ^^ just add a little piece of something sweet and a bit acid like kiwi. It should work with lemon too! ^-^
Don’t put too much of fruit though, it has to be tiny. Just like i did ^^

Doyaraki recipe by me : Yukiko

The other menu of Japanese

Authentic Pasta
