Make money by Brave without lisk happily

I introduce Brave today, it’s an advanced and groundbreaking web browser.

About an important internet environment for web designers.

There is something I really want to tell you, you should try to get it as soon as possible. 🙂

It’s been about two month since I started using it. It became my favourite browser.

I’ve researched it, so I hope you can see it till the end !



1 What is Brave?

In short, it’s a “browser to make the Internet even better.”

It is a (WEB) browser that can control the display of advertisements and acquire Internet information at high speed.

Brave top page

I think you are using Safari, Chrome, IE .. Opera .. Quant, etc., but Brave seems to be related to Chrome, so there is also a development environment.

How to use

First of all, download it. Even though it is highly functional, it is free to download.

I do not recommend this browser to those who are satisfied with the web browser you are currently using.

As you can see on the official Brave download page,

there is a problem with web advertising clearly !

Gerd AltmannによるPixabayからの画像

Tired of the amount of advertising that makes you forget its true value?

With this Brave, you don’t have to be fooled or annoyed by ads.

There is such a thing with the extension function, but this has a nice merit for creators.

And Brave will of course hide ads on your smartphone.

Is it really good with a web browser that loads ads when you are seriously looking for information? That’s the story!!!

Still Worrying ?

All bookmarks can be imported with one click.
You can also take advantage of your favorite Chrome extensions.


Brave Creator registration

As you download Brave, start using it, and get used to it, you will realize that you should use the other platform to get rewarded as a creator.

It is a mechanism to get rewards using various platforms such as YouTube, Twitch,GitHub, and websites.


Procedure after registration


Register an SNS account that is active as a creator or channel



Connect with your PayPal account so you can receive tips


Get your affiliate link, let’s introduce to friend.


After Registration as a creator

1.Design the banner

It is very easy and fun !!! You can customize it to your favorite design.

At this time, I took a screenshot without thinking about the words to be displayed on the banner, but I think the content of these words is very important.

It is important to write properly because there is a high possibility that it will affect whether you can get a tip or not.


2.Prepare to receive reward

Set your paypay account in brave screen like below. If you can connect to Paypal, you will see a mark that display “Connected”.

It is for receiving reward as affiliate program.

If you want go get rewards as a creator, you need to make a cryptcurrency wallet there.


3.How to get support 

So how do you get your help? As already I wrote, if you want go get rewards as a creator, you need to make a wallet for BAT (cryptcurency) .

When you visit the site of a person who is registered as a creator with Brave, the BAT mark will be displayed, so if you click on it, the following image will be displayed.

↑↑↑ Clicking this tip send button ↑↑↑ is going to the payment screen. And supporter can pay the tip with BAT.

When paying directly, the virtual currency BAT is used for payment. (The reward amount is 3 choices and can be selected.)

Since you can generate your link for promotion such as affiliate code, you can tell your friends and family the referral code and get a reward if you use it for 30 days.

Need More infomation ? Please have a look this video.


  1. Brave can load site information at high speed and hide annoying ads.
  2. By registering as a creator, you can get rewards with cryptocurrencies.
  3. If your friend use it for a month by your affiliate link, you can get a reward of 650 yen per 1 installation via PayPal (money).


スクリーンショット 2020-10-18 16.42.17

Thank you so much for reading !!! Good luck with you!!


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